Interface DeviceInfo

The public device information structure for returning queried values.

interface DeviceInfo {
    id: number;
    name: string;
    outputChannels: number;
    inputChannels: number;
    duplexChannels: number;
    isDefaultOutput: number;
    isDefaultInput: number;
    sampleRates: number[];
    preferredSampleRate: number;
    nativeFormats: number;


id: number

Unique numeric device identifier.

name: string

Character string device identifier.

outputChannels: number

Maximum output channels supported by device.

inputChannels: number

Maximum input channels supported by device.

duplexChannels: number

Maximum simultaneous input/output channels supported by device.

isDefaultOutput: number

Is the device the default output device

isDefaultInput: number

Is the device the default input device

sampleRates: number[]

Supported sample rates (queried from list of standard rates).

preferredSampleRate: number

Preferred sample rate, e.g. for WASAPI the system sample rate.

nativeFormats: number

Bit mask of supported data formats.

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